mother art of thai boxing.
Behind the world famous combat sport known as Muay Thai, or Thai Boxing, exists a vast variety of traditional unarmed Thai martial arts which are unified under the name of Muay (Thai) Boran. It was developed by Siamese warriors and masters of fighting. Skills and training methods which brought victory in realistic situations were passed on to future generations.
Because of its origins in actual battlefields, Muay Boran is a straightforward and efficient martial art. It utilizes 9 natural body weapons for attacking, defending, grappling maneuvers as well as throwing, pinning, gripping and breaking techniques.
In International Muay Boran Academy (IMBA), practicing Muay Boran consists of learning battle-born skills and mixing both traditional and modern training methods for the contemporary needs of self-defense, fitness and combat sports as well as recreational martial arts study. Actually, it is one of the oldest forms of fitness training that has proved its effectiveness over millennia.

You don't need any preliminary experience in martial arts to join the course!
Learn an ancient and very efficient battle-born fighting system using 9 body weapons.
Get stronger physically and mentally through an intensive and diverse body workout.
Join our growing local and international community, have fun and find new friends!
Got as excited about Muay Boran like us? You're most welcome to join our open events and courses! Check them out here:
life after the basic course
After you go through a 3-month basic course and join our Khan 2 ranks, you will have an access to a vast variety of classes! As an example:

Training calendar
After the basic course (rights reserved for changes)
MONDAY | 17.00–18.30
Foundations Class - get your basics right
TUESDAY | 17.00–18.30
Full training - weekly rotating theme
WEDNESDAY | 17.00–18.30
Warrior Fitness - physique training
THURSDAY | 17.00–18.30
Full training - weekly rotating theme
SATURDAY | 12.00-13.30
Full training - weekly rotating theme
Treenihinnasto & jäsenyydet
Tarjoamme monipuolisen valikoiman erilaisia vaihtoehtoja treenimaksuihin. Voit halutessasi maksaa jäsenyytesi aina kuukaudeksi kerrallaan, tai vaihtoehtoisesti säästää rahaa lunastamalla jäsenyyden vuodeksi kerrallaan.
Jäsenyys 12kk: 396 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 356 €) Jäsenyys 6kk: 270 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 243 €) Jäsenyys 3kk: 165 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 148,50 €) Jäsenyys 1kk: 69 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 63 €) 10 treenikerran sarjalippu: TARJOUS: 95 € (norm. 140 €)
Prices & memberships
We provide multiple payment options to choose from. You can choose to pay your membership on monthly basis, or save money and purchase membership for whole year.
Membership 12 months: 396 € (students 356 €) Membership 6 months: 270 € (students 243 €) Membership 3 months: 165 € (students 148,50 €) Membership 1 month: 69 € (students 63 €) 10 rehearsals, one time payment: SPECIAL PRICE: 95 € (regular price 140 €)

Training for life
In our training we strengthen both our body and mind to stay fit throughout our lives.
Our training system is based on four key pillars: body conditioning, impact training, sparring and combat forms which develop all the areas of physical performance.
We follow an international curriculum to advance progressively on skill and fitness levels.
And most importantly, we help each other to learn.

Karol Warnicki
In our club all possible benefits come at once when you have fun and good atmosphere and very professional coaches.

Ella Tanskanen
Here you get a very individual coaching and support. Also, a big thing for me is the great atmosphere and spirit in our community - it is always fun to train!

Karo Kilpinen
IMBA is a club in which things are done with joy – here the group is great and they encourage to train.
more than a hobby
We train together to lift each other up. Having fun in the training is just as important as trying our best and training hard.
To find out more about the warm and supporting atmosphere we suggest you to join the course to find out yourself!
Italy, Mexico, Switzerland... IMBA takes us all around the world to meet our colleagues and join seminars or training camps.
As part of IMBA Family, you'll get to experience the international community and different people united by the same art.
Training on your own sometimes? Check out our free web app with lots of techniques, videos and explanations to support your practice.
Or browse through it just for the sake of curiosity!