for Fitness
Behind the world-renowned combat sport, Thai boxing, or Muay Thai, there is a rich spectrum of traditional unarmed Thai fighting skills. Muay (Thai) Boran is an umbrella term for these skills.
IMBA Muay Thai Boran is a versatile martial art that not only improves your fitness and performance, but also teaches you real self-defense skills and how to act decisively and effectively in threatening situations.
International Muay Boran Academy or IMBA teaches Muay Boran by combining traditional fighting skills with modern training methods. The sport includes attacking, defending, grappling, throwing, submissions and finishes, as well as the use of nine body weapons (feet, knees, hands, elbows, head).
Read more about Muay Boran here.
Sign up for next basic course!
Exercise according to your own fitness level
IMBA Muay Boran is suitable for all sizes, ages, fitness levels and genders; no previous martial arts or sports background is required. You can join purely for the purpose of improving your fitness or with the goal of learning a new martial art and challenging yourself.
Develop your balance, strength, endurance, mobility, speed and agility through training. Precisely because of its versatility, Muay Boran is also well-suited for supporting training for other martial arts or sports.

The instructor advises you on alternative exercises for different fitness and mobility levels, so you always get to apply what you've learned, even if, for example, your own mobility doesn't fully allow a certain technique yet.

"IMBA on sellainen ilon kautta tekemisen seura – täällä on tosi hyvä porukka joka kannustaa treenaamiseen."
Karo Kilpinen

”Täällä annetaan tosi yksilöllistä ohjausta ja tsempataan hyvin. Treenissä tartutaan niihin haastaviin kohtiin, että pystyy oikeasti kehittymään.”
Ella Tanskanen

"Lähdin IMBAan mm. kohottamaan kuntoa ja karistamaan ylimääräisiä kiloja pois. Ensimmäisen 6kk aikana kropasta katosi ylimääräistä painolastia lähemmäs 10 kiloa."
Riku Turunen

What will you learn in the basic course?
During the basic course, the focus is above all on improving fitness and basic techniques:
You will learn how to use the nine body weapons
You will learn power production from your body based on physics and anatomy
You will learn straightforward attack and defense techniques in a safe environment
You learn to act in typical self-defense situations
Your fitness, as well as your mobility and physical performance will increase
You get to know our club's activities and other trainers and you get to have fun while training!
You don't need any special equipment for the basic course - a t-shirt, shorts and a drinking bottle are enough.

Versatile training after the basic course
After the basic course, you can freely participate in all the weekly workouts included in IMBA's training program, such as:
Technique (Mai Muay)
Equipment and Pads (Som Pao)
Application (Len Chern)
Sparring (Som Khu)
Combat physique
The advanced group includes more challenging techniques and practice of different scenarios. If you wish, you can also participate in sparring, where learned techniques are put into practice with a training opponent. Sparring is light, which means punches and kicks are delivered, but no force is used. Many feel that sparring is the salt of training, but you can skip it if you want.
By putting together a training program suitable for you, you can emphasize, for example, fitness training, self-defense techniques or sparring. The training schedules rotate in six-week periods.

Why IMBA Muay Boran?
We at IMBA are proud of the good spirit of our club, as well as the safe and encouraging atmosphere.
When you train, you develop not only physical qualities, but also mental qualities, such as self-confidence, determination and the courage to act.

We especially cherish the fact that training is motivating and fun. Small group sizes also allow for a more personalized coaching experience.
Treenihinnasto & jäsenyydet
Tarjoamme monipuolisen valikoiman erilaisia vaihtoehtoja treenimaksuihin. Voit halutessasi maksaa jäsenyytesi aina kuukaudeksi kerrallaan, tai vaihtoehtoisesti säästää rahaa lunastamalla jäsenyyden vuodeksi kerrallaan.
Jäsenyys 12kk: 396 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 356 €) Jäsenyys 6kk: 270 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 243 €) Jäsenyys 3kk: 165 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 148,50 €) Jäsenyys 1kk: 69 € (opiskelijat ja työttömät 63 €) 10 treenikerran sarjalippu: TARJOUS: 95 € (norm. 140 €)
Prices & memberships
We provide multiple payment options to choose from. You can choose to pay your membership on monthly basis, or save money and purchase membership for whole year.
Membership 12 months: 396 € (students 356 €) Membership 6 months: 270 € (students 243 €) Membership 3 months: 165 € (students 148,50 €) Membership 1 month: 69 € (students 63 €) 10 rehearsals, one time payment: SPECIAL PRICE: 95 € (regular price 140 €)
Qualified instructors

Dani Warnicki
Danille Muay Boran ja liikunta eivät ole harrastuksia, tai töitä, vaan elämäntapoja.
IMBA Certified Instructor, Khan 12 Advanced, Kru Muay
IMBA:n maaedustaja ja pääohjaaja Suomessa vuodesta 2015 asti
Lähes 5000 ohjattua tuntia Muay Borania
Kouluttaa ohjaajia Suomessa ja Englannissa
Yli 300 tuntia Grand Master Marco De Cesariksen henkilökohtaisessa ohjauksessa vuodesta 2015
Kauppatieteiden maisteri (ekonomi)
Liikunta-alan ammattitutkinto (Varala)
Personal Trainer -tutkinto (Varala)
Liikunta-alan opintoja Keski-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulussa
DiscoverIMBA web appin (linkki) perustaja
Hyvinvointi- ja suorituskykyvalmennuksia sivutyönä
Danilta saa myös lajin yksityistunteja, Personal Trainer -palveluita sekä elämäntapamuutos-valmennuksia

Janne Warnicki
"Muay Boranissa hienoa on lajin monipuolisuus."
IMBA Certified Instructor, Khan 11 (1/2)